Tag - Assyrian

MOSUL (الموصل)

After some research and heavy thinking, we drove to Mosul in northwestern Iraq. From its original site on the western bank of the Tigris River, the modern city expanded to the eastern bank and now encircles the ruins of the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh. Probably built on the site of...


Our last stop today was an Assyrian archaeological site Khinnis, also known as Bavian (🎫 5000 IQD), facing the River Gomel Su. There are remains of rock reliefs built by king Sennacherib around 690 BC. It was made to celebrate the construction of a complex system of canals whose aim was...


Just some two kilometers off the main road surviving pieces of an ancient aqueduct may have fed into the lost Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The muddy road is only for off-road vehicles. The aqueduct is part of the larger Atrush Canal built by the Assyrian king Sennacherib between 703 and...

HALAMATA CAVE (ئەشکەوتی هەڵەمەتا)

Our next stop was supposed to be Halamata Cave – an archaeological site near Duhok. The caves contain the Assyrian relief carvings known as the Maltai reliefs. The reliefs all show a procession of nine figures (the Assyrian king worshipping the main divinities in the Mesopotamian...