Stunning Kamianets-Podilskyi fortress is a former Ruthenian-Lithuanian castle and a later three-part Polish fortress from the 14th century. It sits on top of a peninsula carved out by the winding Smotrych River, forming a natural defense system. Next to it is a historical town located, where a sharp loop in a river has formed a natural moat. The wide tree-lined Smotrych River canyon is 40m to 50m deep, leaving the 11th-century Old Town standing clearly apart on a tall, sheer-walled rock ‘island’, connected by a narrow isthmus to its impossibly picturesque fortress. We had excellent weather and we have enjoyed the small town a lot – after morning visit of the fortress (entrance 60 UAH, local Bograch soup 80 UAH, bread made in oven with cottage cheese-raisin filling 50 UAH), we explored the city, we had lunch with a view at the canyon in Pid Bramoyu and later in the evening excellent shaslik in Nika Café (500g with 2 beers for 527 UAH), the little city center13 was lively, so we took last beer at Beer Team Pub (Local craft beer 55 UAH).
Parking location – Kamianets-Podilskyi: 49.436601N 27.410998E (🚻, 🚿)