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AL-MALAD (قلعة الملد التراثية)

Around Al-Baha are many heritage villages, castles, and historical monuments. Al-Malad castle is located in a picturesque village in the Al-Sarat Mountains that lies three kilometers south of Baha city on the road to Baljurashi. Two brothers built Al-Malad for military observation...


After visiting Thee Ain village, we drove back toward Al-Baha town. We ascended 33 kilometers through 25 Tunnels of sharply winding scenic road. We stopped at several viewpoints to cool down the engine and take photos.

THEE AIN (ذي عين)

Thee Ain is one of the most beautiful, from charming and ancient villages. The village is situated in Saudi Arabia’s Al Baha region and offers a glimpse into the vibrant history and culture of the region. Popularly referred to as the “Marble Village,” it is perched on...


We drove a few more kilometers through Al-Baha town’s regional center toward Thee Ain village. We had to descend 33 kilometers through 25 Tunnels of sharply winding zig-zag road to reach the village. There are several viewpoints, and at one of them, we met a friendly truck driver...

ALGEHAD (قرية القهاد الأثرية)

In the morning, we walked to another ancient settlement more than 1000 years old – Algehad village. This ancient village has narrow streets, breathtaking cornfields, and stone houses with heritage facades. Some of the restored structures of the beautiful stone architecture have been...


From Taif, we drove on a good road toward Albaha. Unfortunately, not every fuel station in Saudi Arabia sells diesel. Of course, the last gasoline station in Taif selling diesel we missed. We had just a few liters left, but luckily, we hit a large station after 40 kilometers. We took a...

TAIF (اَلطَّائِفُ‎)

We just drove through Taif, located at an elevation of 1,879 meters on the slopes of the Hijaz Mountains. Unfortunately, there is little to see, so we only stopped by the Jabra historic palace. Palace has three floors and a grand foyer, and It was built during the reign of the founding...

ALHADA (الهدا)

Winding Al-Hada Road reaches up to 2,177 meters above sea level, so we planned to take a scenic 23 km-long dual highway passing through the high Hijaz Mountains and take some photos. But to our surprise, the police officer at the gate in Al-Hada didn’t allow us to go there with our...