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We came across the wreck of a 1930s World War II Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina United States Navy seaplane marooned on the Red Sea coast near the cape of Ras Al-Sheikh Hameed in the northwest province of Tabuk. The plane was bought from the US Navy by Thomas W. Kendall, a 44-year-old...

WADI DISAH (وادي داما)

Wadi Disah is nestled between the towering escarpments in the northern region of Saudi Arabia in the Tabuk Province. “The Valley of Palm Trees” lies 400 meters above sea level, surrounded by massive sandstone cliffs. The valley has two entrances; however, the southern entrance is more...


After a heavy storm, we drove to the Arch (Rainbow) Rock. It is called Rainbow Rock because it looks like an arch or a rainbow with two clouds. Near the Rainbow Rock are other rock formations, such as the Dancing Rocks, two large rock pillars that appear to be dancing together. But we did...

JABAL IKMAH (جبل عكمة)

Jabal Ikmah is an open library of inscriptions, rock art, and petroglyphs set in a stunning desert canyon. The ticket costs 60 SAR, and the tour runs at 08:45 and 16:45 from Winter Park (duration 2,5 hours, including Dadan). Nearby, Dadan was a caravan way station for many people, and one...

DADAN (دادان)

Amongst the most significant discoveries in all of Al-Ula is the city of Dadan, the capital of the Dadan and Lihyan kingdoms. The town built meticulously from stone and astride the valley’s oasis, dates back between the late 9th and early 8th century BC (Kingdom of Dadan) and 5th–2nd...

HEGRA (الحِجْر)

Less than 22 km from Al-Ula is Hegra (also known as Madain Saleh or Mada’in Salih), built amid rugged desert canyons and mountainous terrain. It lies in the most stunning setting that bears testimony to the Nabataean civilization. The ticket costs 95 SAR, and the tour runs at 08:00...

MARAYA (مسرح مرايا)

We visited Maraya, the world’s largest mirrored building, reflecting Al-Ula’s beauty. It is a stunning piece of art set in the desert canyon of Ashar Valley. It is designed to blend into the surrounding landscape and rises from the sand like a mirage. According to Guinness World Records...

AL-ʿULĀ – I. (ٱلْعُلَا)

We spent a few busy days at the kingdom’s most famous destination. Al-Ula is a living museum of preserved tombs of ancient cultures, historic dwellings, dramatic rock formations, sand-swept dunes, and natural wonders. For thousands of years, northwest Saudi Arabia attracted people...

HARRAT KHAYBAR (حَرَّة خَيْبَر)

We drove from Al Thamad for 70 kilometers through the extensive Harrat Khaybar lava field. At the Ranger’s Station, we had to turn right and drive off-road through the lava fields and hills to explore the area. It was tough to navigate because Google doesn’t know the area...


The beginning of the twentieth century witnessed the construction of an important project in the Islamic culture, which shortened the journey of pilgrims from the Levant, Northern Iraq, Egypt, and Anatolia from 45 days to 5 days, bringing that time up to 300,000 pilgrims in a year. For...